How to Repost on TikTok? Step by Step Guide for 2024

Sharing content from one user’s profile to your own followers on a short-video platform like TikTok is great. One of most promising question on Google and other search engines which is asked is that how to repost on TikTok?

You all must know that reposting content can be a great way to engage with your audience and spread content that resonates with you. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to repost videos from other creators to your profile.

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What does “Repost” on TikTok Mean?

On the popular short-video platform TikTok, “repost” refers to the feature that allows users to share other creators’ videos with their own followers directly from their feed. When a user reposts a video, it appears on their followers’ For You page, essentially giving the original video additional exposure to a broader audience.

This feature is designed to help users easily share content they enjoy or find meaningful, further promoting community engagement and content discovery on the platform. Reposting is different from sharing a video via direct message or to other social media platforms.

When a video is reposted on TikTok, it retains a link to the original creator’s account, ensuring they receive credit for their work. This functionality supports the platform’s community by highlighting diverse creators and fostering a culture of appreciation and recognition for content creators’ efforts.


Step 1: Find the Video

Navigate through your feed or use the search functionality to find the video you wish to share. You can search for content using keywords, hashtags, or by visiting the creator’s profile directly.

Step 2: Use the Share Feature

Once you’ve found the video, look for the “Share” icon. This icon typically looks like an arrow pointing right or a paper airplane. Tap on it to open the share options.

Step 3: Select Repost or Share to Your Profile

In the share options, you will see a button to “Repost” or “Share to Your Profile.” Tap on it. If you’re reposting, the platform may include a label on the video indicating that it’s a repost from another creator.

Step 4: Add Your Commentary (Optional)

Before sharing, you might have the option to add your own commentary, text, or stickers to the video. This step is optional but can add a personal touch to the content you’re sharing.

Step 5: Share with Your Followers

After adding any personal touches, hit the post button to share the video with your followers. Ensure you have the original creator’s permission if the platform does not automatically credit them.

Step 6: Credit the Original Creator

It’s good practice to credit the original creator in your post. You can do this by tagging their profile in your caption or mentioning their username if the platform does not automatically include this information when reposting.

Additional Tips:

Respect Copyright: Always ensure that the content you’re sharing respects the original creator’s copyright. Some creators may not want their content shared by others.


Engage with Content: Engaging with the content you repost by adding meaningful commentary or sparking discussions can add value to your reposts.

Follow Community Guidelines: Make sure your reposts adhere to the platform’s community guidelines to avoid any potential issues with your account.

By following these steps, you can share videos from other creators with your followers, fostering a community of shared interests and engaging content. Remember to use this feature responsibly and with respect for the original content creators.

How to make a TikTok Post Public/Private?

When you’re ready to share your creativity on a popular short-video platform, you have the option to control who gets to see your posts. Making your video public allows the entire community to discover and enjoy your content, while setting it to private restricts viewing to only you. Here’s how to adjust these settings for your posts:

To Make a Post Public:

Create Your Video: First, record or upload your video from your device.

Edit and Add Effects: Customize your video with filters, music, and effects as desired.

Post Settings: Before posting, you will see an option for privacy settings. Look for something that might say “Who can view this video” or a similar phrase.

Choose Public Option: Select the option that corresponds to ‘Everyone’ or ‘Public’. This setting ensures that your video can be discovered and viewed by all users across the platform.

Post Your Video: Finalize any other details (like captions and hashtags) and then share your video. It is now set to be viewed by the broad audience on the platform.

To Make a Post Private:

Follow the Initial Steps: Just as you would for a public post, create and edit your video to your liking.

Adjust Post Settings: When you reach the privacy settings, look for the option that controls who can view the video.

Select Private Option: Choose the setting that ensures only you can view the video. This might be labeled ‘Only Me’ or ‘Private’.

Complete Your Post: After adjusting the setting, continue to post your video. With this setting, the video will only be accessible to you.

Adjusting Privacy

If you decide to change the privacy settings of a video after it has been posted:

Go to Your Profile: Navigate to your profile where your videos are displayed.

Select the Video: Find the video you want to adjust and open it.

Access Settings: Look for a menu or settings icon (often represented by three dots or a gear icon) on the video page.

Change Privacy Settings: Within the menu, find the option to adjust who can view your video. Select either the public or private option based on your new preference.

Save Changes: Ensure you save or confirm your changes to update the video’s privacy settings.

Important Considerations:

Visibility and Engagement: Remember, making your video public increases its potential visibility and engagement, while private videos are a good option for personal archives or drafts.

Sharing with Friends: If you want to share a video with a select group of people rather than making it public, look for options like ‘Friends’ or similar, depending on the platform’s features.

Adjusting your video’s privacy settings allows you to control your sharing preferences and manage your content’s visibility according to your comfort and goals on the platform.

Why Should You Repost Videos on TikTok?

Now you know how to repost videos on TikTok, but why is this useful? For one, you can share videos that you think your audience will enjoy, or that focus on a topic related to your niche. These can act as testimonials, without even needing to ask!

Secondly, if other users mention your business or brand, reposting these videos allows for users to see who is talking about your brand, and why they enjoy using your products or services. Take advantage of this feature and if you need more guidance on how to grow on TikTok, we got you.

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